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Showing posts from June, 2014

Sunday R & R

That's Reptiles and Raptors at the Leslie Science Center! Can't believe we haven't visited this free place before! They did have some fuzzy animals at the Critter House along with the reptiles! Eve found the Red Tailed Hawk! What? Where is the Bald Eagle? It rained for a few minutes while we were in the Critter House, so we were lucky to see a lot of the birds opening up their wings to dry off! Pretty awesome!

Boating with Friends

At my friend Ella's 2nd birthday party, we were lucky enough to go on a boat ride! Eve loved sitting in the back with Daddy! I loved sitting on Mommy's lap! Eve also loved sitting up front (although Payton had the very front spot)! I did not like being up front so much. But we had lots of fun with our school friends Ella and Payton!

Young Volunteers

Daddy and his coworkers were the volunteer greeters this evening at the Summer Festival, so we made it a family affair. John and I kept a close eye on Daddy! We enjoyed having a picnic in the park!  I visited the kids tent where I made a robot helmet! Who wouldn't want to donate when you have helpers like us?

Adventures at Wheeler Park

The good part about walking to Casey's for dinner is that we have to walk through the park to get home! So of course we had to stop and play for awhile.  I have no fear climbing! I think Daddy had just as much fun on the swings as me! Jumping off! We always have fun at the park! The even better part about walking home was that today we stopped at the store and got some ice cream treats! John really wanted some of mine... ...which I was (eventually) happy to share with him!

More Ice Cream Please!

Our evening stroll tonight brought us to our first summer visit to Washtenaw Dairy for some ice cream! Apparently, Mommy & Daddy don't think I'm big enough for my own cone, but I certainly helped eat everyone else's!  Daddy's Almond Joy was pretty good! Really, Daddy, I can just take this off your hands! What? You want some too? Finally, the cone was mine! Eve had her own chocolate cone. After I helped finish both Daddy's and Mommy's cones, I turned my charm on Eve! She was happy to share as well!

Pearly Whites

After watching Mommy & Daddy at the dentist last week, it was my turn to climb up in the chair for the first time! I was all ready! I was a bit nervous because I was ready for one of the 'ladies' to clean my teeth like Mommy had but I had the actual dentist, Dr John, for my whole appointment! I did awesome though and after Daddy took me to the park to play!