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Showing posts from May, 2014


My first time purse shopping (carrying my garden tote complete with garden tools)!

Fun While the Parents are Away!

While Mommy & Daddy took a little trip to Mexico, John & I got to have fun at home with Grandma & Grandpa. Before we headed over to our cousins house, I practiced playing the piano.   Nathan took John on a personal wagon ride around the neighborhood. While I got to try out Ella's old scooter - which I got to take home with me! We all had fun playing the sandbox -   - and of course, getting to eat some of Nathan's birthday cake! Mommy & Daddy enjoyed the beach - - and the sun - - while I kept things in order at the house!


We checked out a new frozen yogurt place and did a good job sharing our free sample! Mommy even had her own spoon and was able to get some before John and I ate it all up!

Another Day at the Park with Grandma

Walking to the park with Daddy and Grandma! John and I enjoyed teeter tottering! I could climb all the way to the top of the play structures all by myself - so John thought that he could too! It's always fun at the park! Even John agrees! As usual, we went for a walk to see the ponds - this time John was running! Hey, where did I go? Good thing I wasn't wearing a yellow dress otherwise you wouldn't be able to spot me!

Zoo + Music = So Much Excitement!

Finally! John is big enough that he can push me in the cart! After our morning breakfast fun at home, we meet Nathan & Ella for more fun at the zoo. Here we are from the front - - the side - - and the other front! It was perfect weather for a zoo trip, sunny, warm not too warm, so we got to see almost all the animals moving about - zebras, rhinos, lions, tiger, polar bear! We also found several animals that we could ride - like this big turtle! And this tiny elephant! John and I had good views of the zebras eating! We got up close to the seals too! Finally, we got to ride some more animals! I was super excited! So much fun! John enjoyed watching us go round and round. After a quick nap, we had more fun outside at home - enjoying our neighbors hammock. Swinging and smelling the flowers! And enjoying some neighborhood music during the Water Hill Music Fest. At the end of the day, we could just sit on our front porch and listen to our neighb