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Showing posts from May, 2013

Some Birthday Fun

We ventured over to my cousins' house for a family celebration of Nathan's 7th Birthday! Nathan loved to play with me on the couch while the girl cousins played outside. Silly cousins! Seriously, I'm related to these people?! Yikes! I can't wait until next year when I get to have cake too!

DR Gavin

Guest blogger today - Eve and John couldn't decide who got to write about Uncle Gavin's big day so Mommy stepped in. Today Uncle Gavin became Dr. McKinnon! Lots of family came to celebrate the big day! Eve (& John but he slept the whole time) joined us for a celebratory dinner. Eve kept occupied by her new pinwheel.  Uncle Gavin was practicing his entertaining young patient skills pretending he couldn't make the pinwheel go - Eve was thoroughly amused!  Eve was finished with her milk and patiently waited for her after dinner cocktail while enjoying the musical entertainment. Eve was enthralled with the pianist! The next day was Gavin's 30th birthday, so a party was in order! Uncle Gavin with his favorite niece and nephew - and Eve's new jewelry box Uncle Gavin brought back from far away Japan! Oh, Doctor! Cousin Ella came to celebrate as well and let Eve wear her glass slippers for a bit! All smiles from John & Ella!

Mommy's Day

Today we celebrated Mommy's first Mother's Day with two kiddos. I was alert taking pictures inside, although focused on other things. But after getting a scratch on my forehead, not as content taking pictures outside. Adding Eve into the mix didn't seem to help. About as good as we could get today. We also got to have brunch with my Grandma!

Three Months

Me, Pappa Lion and Baby Lion make 3! I'm growing bigger and stronger every day! Mommy put this silly sticker on me, let's try to get it off.


I'm getting to be a strong boy so it's time to move into some new toys. My big sis Eve likes to show me how everything works. I'm ready to start exersaucering!

1st School Day

A2 Movie Star

The weather is finally getting warm enough that we can venture out for some walks.  Mommy and Daddy call my sunglasses "Movie Star" style.  My strut is purely "Eve" style. Going full incognito with wide brim hat and getting chauffeured around town.