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Showing posts from April, 2013

Painting & Entertaining

I spent a busy morning creating a beautiful painting and then -  entertaining John and getting big smiles!

Fence Building

I brought my new gardening tools up to the garden to help build the fence around our community garden.  I think that I was probably the hardest worker there, definitely the cutest!

Here Fishy

As I got used to the water at my new pool - John was busy giving Mommy lots of smiles. I got right to work learning how to swim with my new teacher Ms. Casey. Kicking and scoping and smiling!

Windy City Visitor

I finally got to meet my Aunt Sarah! She came from the Windy City to visit us for several days.   Eve and I sported our matching Chicago stars and stripes shirts! My big sis loves to hold me on her lap.  Watch out for my right jab!

Two Month Smiles

I'm two months old today and I love to smile! Wait for it... Keep waiting... There it is! I'm becoming more alert every day! Staying focused. Big yawn! Time to nap again!