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Showing posts from March, 2013


We waited until Easter morning to dye some eggs. I was pretty excited about the bright colors! John got his first basket from the Easter bunny! Both John and I liked the treats in our baskets!

Egg Hunting

Papa Joe hid Easter eggs around their house for me to find. It wasn't that difficult as I found them all in one spot! But wait, these aren't the ones I was supposed to find! So I went searching... ...I found one under the chair... ...ta-da, I found another... ...and another under the table... ...I was starting to get quite a collection in my basket... of the more difficult ones to find was under the piano! Hugging "my sheep" - one of the nice treats in my Easter basket from Grandma and Papa Joe. I helped John check out his treats (in particular his blue cookie which matched my pink cookie).  Cheese! Or should I say Chocolate or Cookies?! This little bunny needed a nap! But then woke up to give all of us some big smiles!


Enough with the sleeping all the time, I want to play! I'm quite interested in staring at dangling toys in front of me and I like to swat at them.  My big sister Eve likes to help show me what to do! We are wearing our maize and blue for another kind of playtime - cheering on the Wolverines in March Madness today!

St Patrick's Day

It's one of the few days of the year that my parents say it's OK for me to wear green! Eve sported her Clan McKinnon kilt!  My sister is such a goof ball. McCutie indeed!


Mommy went a little overboard taking pictures of me and captured several different looks. Here's my smirk. A smile. Very serious.  Quite goofy. Seriously Mommy, that's enough!

One Month

Wow, I'm one month old already! Coincidentally, my blanket that my Aunt Sarah knitted for me matched my first month sticker! What is my sister doing now?! Oh, she wanted to get in the picture too! (Another coincidence that Eve's sweater matched my blanket too!) Back to just me. Getting tired now. And sleeping again.


This morning's activity was making chocolate chip cookies! It was a good thing Mommy had me helping her - - otherwise who would have added the chips to the batter? And who would have spilled them on the counter and then had to test the chips to make sure they were good? I had a hard time patiently waiting for the cookies to finish baking. Once they were done though, I knew just what to do. I had to ask my Mommy for a glass of milk to dunk my cookie in. Why didn't she just give me one to begin with?
