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Showing posts from January, 2013

Hitting the Runway

Alternative use for cradle sheets - fashionable hat and new style of shoes. Not sure how realistic my new shoes are for real life but then are most things shown on the runway realistic? I think I have my runway face and strut down.

Sunday Brunch

Enjoying my brunch appetizers - sugar and Os - waiting for my waffle!

Classic Art

I love art time at school. I like to get creative with my use and placement of materials - who says you have to keep the paint on the paper?!

Lots of Birthdays

Ella turned 4 just a few days after I turned 2 so we had a joint birthday party with our families. We had fun opening presents together.  I got my own art easel since I enjoyed using Ella's so much at Christmas. Mommy told me to go stand next to the box so she could take my picture. So I stood next to the box, as close as I could get. Our party was actually on my Daddy's birthday and my Grandpa's birthday was in another few days, so we had cakes galore!