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Showing posts from October, 2012

It's Halloween!

Finally, it was actually Halloween! I put on my Tiger costume one more time and we headed out into the neighborhood for some trick or treating! My #1 Tiger fan came with me.  I quickly learned the practice of trick or treating, walking up to the door, knocking, taking a piece of candy...and saying "thank you" most of the time (with a little prompting). Soon I was leading the way around the neighborhood!

Pumpkin Carving

Gosh, the month of October is very pumpkin-centric! I got a front row seat to help Daddy carve our pumpkins we brought home from the patch.  Whoa! Daddy is a master carver! I helped to tell Daddy where to put the eyes! Family picture with our pumpkins before Daddy headed off to a World Series game with the baseball Tigers, not the Eve Tiger.

Zoo Boo

I headed to the Zoo for some special trick or treating with my cousins, Princess Ella and Darth Vadar Nathan! As Tiger Eve, I was very excited to experience this adventure! I put my hood on and I was ready to go! And we were off with Grandma and Grandpa helping lead the way. My first candy stop.  I couldn't wait to see what this was that got put in my bucket.  Wow, was it yummy! I decided to keep going on the candy trail! It was an exciting adventure... ...that included my first ride on a carousel!

Pumpkin Patch

We headed out to a local orchard to pick out some of their best pumpkins for carving.  There were a lot to choose from, all different shapes and sizes, it took some time to find the best ones.  I also did some power lifting to test the strength of the stems - a very important quality to have in your pumpkin.  After all that work, I need some hugs from Daddy -  and some donuts of course!

Best Friends

Conor and I. Enough said.

Halftime Show

Despite a few drops of rain, I still had fun at another football game with Daddy! Although I think I like the marching band better than actual football players!

Picture Day

Today was picture day at school. Here I am with all my friends and teachers, and of course the school cow.