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Showing posts from June, 2012

Summer Vacation

Water! It was a big theme in our summer vacation. We started Day 1 at the Meijer Gardens where I had fun splashing in the water pools. More fun exploring the trails and structures with Daddy! After our garden adventures, we visited some  friends at their cottage on Lake Michigan. Daddy took me for my first kayak ride!

Take me out to the ball game!

I took Daddy to the ball park to celebrate Father's Day (a day early). Well technically he drove, so I guess he took me. Either way, we all had lots of fun! I LOVE MY DADDY!

BIG Tub Fun

Tonight I got a treat and took a bath in the BIG tub! It was BIG time fun! I kept turning the handle on and off and played with the stream of water. It was the first time I thoroughly enjoyed a COLD bath since I could only reach the cold water handle. The taller faucet was perfect to try to get a refreshing drink from!

Strawberry Picking

Yummy! Eating a strawberry freshly picked in the field! Thankfully, they only weighed our boxes of strawberries - and not me too - to see how many we picked!