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Showing posts from November, 2011

Gobble Gobble

My first Thanksgiving was a busy day! We went to my Grandma and Papa Joe's house and celebrated with my other Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jen, Uncle Al, Nathan, Ella and Uncle Gavin along with some other extended family.  I showed off my new standing skills.  Step 1: Get into position.  Step 2: Stand up and smile! Step 3: No real step yet...fall down! I was super excited for all the good food that was on the table! Um, cranberry?! Dad, please give me something else.   Now this is what I was talking about - turkey, potatoes, squash and brussels sprouts?! Yum! I got some snuggle time with Uncle Gavin! And play time with Cousin Ella! We gave hugs! Traded smiles! And shared toys! Ella shared her dolls with me and I shared my keys with her! It was a fun day!

Stirke a Pose

 My very first school picture! My teachers and friends!

Falltime Fun

A typical Michigan fall weekend - a crisp, sunny day was the perfect time for a visit to the Dexter Cider Mill!  The best part was when Daddy let me have some of his donut! Mmm mmm good!! Next, we took a walk to Hunt Park and the fun times continued! Swinging is so much fun! Whoa, Daddy pushes me high! But I love it! Yay! I could keep swinging all day long!