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Showing posts from October, 2011


Happy Halloween! Since Mommy & Daddy affectionately call me "Babycakes", I turned into a cupcake for my first Halloween! Who will get to the pumpkin first?  I'm not sure why I have this cherry on top of my head! I'm as sweet as can be if I do say so myself. If I can only get this pumpkin to stop rolling away. I finished off the night by putting on my pajamas and getting my picture taken for my 10-month birthday!

A Date with Jack

My friend Jack flew in from San Francisco to attend his first UM football game and then came over to play.  We ate dinner together and then had fun playing the piano together. The next toy we shared was Lotty! Since Jack is only 7 months, he got to ride this time while I pushed.  I had fun having a passenger in Lotty! Jack, please note that next time we meet, I'll let the gentleman push the lady!

A Merry Ferry Ride

On our last day, we took a ferry ride over to Bainbridge Island. This boat is way bigger than ours! On the way back - we rode on the outside and felt the wind!

Still Exploring

We ventured to the Space Needle but we didn't go up since *surprise* it was a bit cloudy and rainy! We enjoyed walking all over seeing all new landscapes. And we didn't let the weather stop us from having fun. 

Sleeping in Seattle

Sleeping in Seattle, Michigan style that is. Mommy, Daddy and I headed west for a little trip but stayed on our 'local' time which meant we were up bright and early. So I was already napping by about 9am when we ventured out to explore the city.  We found some interesting structures... ...and some totem poles. Eventually we made it one of Seattle's most famous places - Pike Place Market! There was fresh seafood all over the place!  All the activity was loads of fun! Woo you looking at? We 'borrowed' this cute hat from a market vendor for a quick photo. We left the market (after Mommy & Daddy got re-caffeinated with coffee from the original Starbucks) and found perhaps the best named store in all of Seattle.

A Minor Breakthrough

If you look very closely, you can see my first tooth finally breaking through! More pictures to follow when it's come in all the way! Bye bye gummy smiles that Mommy and Daddy loved so much. Hello Teeth!

Up North

Mommy and I ventured up north to Petoskey for my first trip to visit my Grandma and Grandpa McDonnell. With just me, Conor and Mommy, I slept for almost 3.5 hours in the car ride! On Saturday, I put on my best maize and blue to watch my first UM-MSU game with my Grandpa. Grandpa tried to teach my touchdown!

Cousins Playdate

On a beautiful fall afternoon, I went over to my cousins house for some play time. Ella and I played inside... ...and outside since it was so warm!  What do I have here?  What does it taste like?  Eew! Maybe I shouldn't have done that! Happy on my hand-me-down Radio Flyer that my Great Grandma Rauss originally bought for my Cousin Nathan. Everyone wanted to get in the Cozy Coupe! Nathan and Ella lend a helping hand to push me in the big kid car!

Fine at Nine

I'm now nine months old! And I'm usually nonstop on the move: crawling, pulling myself up, climbing the stairs and walking...with assistance that is. Puppy love indeed! I love my real puppy dog, Conor! We have fun playing together but Mommy has a hard time getting a picture of us as we get distracted once the camera comes out. I don't just save my big kisses for my parents, Conor gets them too.  What? This isn't the bed I should go to sleep in?