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Showing posts from April, 2011

Happy Easter

I got a basket full of goodies for my first Easter today - barnyard animal friends and some new clothes! The weather was very nice, so I got to hang out in the backyard for the first time and we went on a nice, long walk through the neighborhood too (although I slept in my stroller most of the time). Can I eat the basket? How about the chocolate, can I eat that too? 

The Big House

A rite of passage...I entered the Big House for the first time today! We attended the Spring Game, but luckily we had suite tickets from Daddy's work so the rainy weather didn't stop us from going. Holy cow! Who is that fast guy down there with his shoelaces untied? This game is crazy. Daddy says I'll be back in the fall to watch a real game.

All Dressed Up

The family got all dressed up today to go Mommy's cousin Kyle's wedding. I got to see my GG again and meet more of my McDonnell relatives! I even was awake (on and off) during the reception to help celebrate!

Gretchen's House

Mommy went back to work today so that meant I went to this awesome place called Gretchen's House. I mean, what more awesome place could there be that let's you paint with your feet? I made this card (with a little help from my teacher Jacque) to give to Mommy & Daddy when they came to pick me up.