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Showing posts from March, 2011

One, Two...Three!

I'm 3 months old now! I've discovered so much this month - my hands are pretty cool! Oops, I don't quite have my balance yet! Those are some pretty cool initials! I'm digging being able to sit in my own chair! Watch out month four, here I come!

Let's Exersaucer!

I love to 'stand' now, so we broke out the exersaucer.... ...there's lots of new things to discover... ...even if my feet don't quite reach!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The perfect day to wear shamrock pants! It's hard work looking so cute all the time.

I'm Irish & Scottish!

Happy Pre-St. Patrick's Day! (My mommy bought me more than one outfit for the stay tuned for more pictures) Wearing my Scottish shirt that my Grandpa bought for me (even though he's the Irish one)!

Happy Birthday Conor

Happy 1st Birthday Conor! We gave him a new squirrel to celebrate with.  I kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't sneak over to one of my toys like he sometimes tries to do...

March Snow Day!

Two Month Photo Shoot

I'm two months old!   After the traditional corner of the chair picture, Mommy decided to get some pictures with the morning sunlight shining through the windows. However, sunny spot on floor = Conor. We had to alternate between taking pictures of me, me & Conor, and Conor.  Mommy went a bit overboard (171 pictures in one sitting?!), and she simply couldn't decide on what pictures to upload for me. She said I'm just too cute!