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Showing posts from January, 2011

One Month!

  Pondering life as a one month old. Future Olympic Fencing Champion!

Cradle Time

In Mommy & Daddy's room, I sleep in the antique cradle that my Mommy slept in when she was a baby! Mommy's paternal grandparents, Edward & Sophie McDonnell, gave the then antique cradle to her parents before she was born.  Over 33 years later, it is getting good use again! 

A Week with Grandma McKinnon

Next up was a week with my Grandma McKinnon. We had a girl's day out with lunch at the TeaHaus (the location of one of my showers) and then pedicures. Well, I didn't get a pedicure but Mommy says that I will soon enough! Papa Joe came over for a few visits during the week too! Smiling for Grandma!

Wintertime Walk

The family got all bundled up and went for a walk up to Hunt Park. My first outdoor adventure!

A Week with Grandma & Grandpa McDonnell

After spending the first week at home with just Mommy & Daddy, my grandparents came down from Petoskey to help out for the week while Daddy went back to work.  We celebrated Grandpa's birthday on January 11th  with dinner out at "eve", one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite restaurants in town which was closing at the end of the week.  Grandpa watched me for over an hour while Mommy left me for the first time to go grocery shopping with Grandma. I was nice to him though, I slept the entire time until 5 minutes before Mommy came home!  Everyone is happy!

My Namesakes

It took my parents awhile to agree on baby names and they had to choose both a boy and girl names since they decided to be surprised at the birth. At one point in their many discussions, Mommy had suggested Eve. Later on, when discussing middle names which they wanted to use a family name, Daddy suggested Genevieve Gorney after his maternal grandmother. They decided to shorten that name and hence my first name was agreed upon to be Eve! My middle name is after my Mommy's paternal grandmother, Sophia McDonnell. Most people call her Sophie but I will call her GG.   Just chilling with GG. Four generations all together - what a treat!


Mommy's cousin Courtney stopped by. Daddy's Aunt Donna also came over to see me!


 My Aunt Jen, Uncle Al and cousins Nathan and Ella came over to meet me and brought a wonderful dinner too! As usual, I slept most of the time.  When I did wake up, all the parents tried to get a good picture of the cousins... Once I was swaddled, I was a bit happier. I'm sure there will be plenty more times for pictures of the cousins!

Daddy's 34th Birthday

Our family photo celebrating Daddy's 34th birthday! I slept through the dessert part of the evening this year, but trust me, next year I won't be doing that! Don't I look adorable in the handknit outfit my Grandma McDonnell made me?!


My first dinner at Casey's. I hear that I will be a frequent patron of this neighborhood restaurant.


My Aunt Jennifer visited and cuddled me while Mommy & Daddy got ready to leave the hospital. I arrived home on Sunday afternoon all snug in my carseat. Although I cried the whole time in the car from the hospital to home, thankfully it was only a few minute drive.  My first time sitting with Mommy in my nursery! I was introduced to  one of my new best friends, Conor.  Holy smokes, I thought, this guy is bigger than me and he likes to sniff me all the time.  Stephanie & Ben Hensel were my first visitors at home on Sunday night. 

New Year's Day

New Year's Day, the name of a song from Mommy's favorite band U2, but also my first full day in the world! I slept through most of it including my first UM football game but Daddy & Mommy say that was for the best anyways. Mommy's hometown family friend Jonathan Meyer and his fiancee Megan were in town and came by for a visit!