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Showing posts from December, 2010

Welcome Party

I had a big welcome party once we got back to our hospital room! Including Grandma McKinnon.... ...Grandma McDonnell...  ...Uncle Gavin... ...Papa Joe...   ...and Grandpa McDonnell! Daddy and Mommy's friends, Jason & Stacy Pandak, were my first visitors and they arrived with champagne to help celebrate! Our room with a view! What a way to welcome in the new year...although all 3 of us were soundly sleeping by the time the clock struck midnight!

My Birth Day

EVE SOPHIA MCKINNON On 12/31/10, at 1:18pm, I finally arrived! It took awhile as my Mommy pushed for several hours but it turns out that a baby is not supposed to be looking up trying to watch where you are going! No one told me I was supposed to have my head tucked down so I could make my way into the world.   Nonetheless, I was successfully delivered via c-section at University of Michigan hospital!  I weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and measured 20 1/4 inches long.  Here I am with Mommy and Daddy in the recovery room.  I was so happy to finally meet them after just hearing their voices for months.